East Mojave Desert Project 2004
Contexts for the Desert 8:
Mining Desert

cement quarry, Sloan, NV; old bucket at Goffs, CA; old mine 9 miles southwest of Resting Springs, on Old Spanish Trail Highway

old earth moving equipment; old scraper blade; old cams and flywheels; all in Goffs, CA
On December 1, 1849, two Mormon missionaries named Brown and Addison, enroute
to Tahiti, discovered gold in the Salt Spring Hills (off present-day SR-127
north of Baker). They didn't change their travel plans. Others tried
to gain wealth from their discovery, but the expense of shipping ore,
and the difficulty of processing ore using the "hard" water in the area —
which clogged steam engines — prevented this until the arrival of nearby
rail lines.
In 1875 silver ore was discovered in Calico, and mining began in earnest
in the region. Today Calico Ghost Town is the best place to re-live
the grubby excitement of the gold and silver rush.
Surprisingly, more money was made removing Borax from this desert.
The Twenty Mule Team Museum and U.S. Borax Mine in Boron tell this
Last update 12:45 PM Fri. 27-Feb-2004 by ABS.
© 2004 Alan B. Scrivener