East Mojave Desert Project 2004
Contexts for the Desert 12:
Military Desert

World War II era helmets and "Jerry cans" from Patton's Desert Training Camp, Goffs, CA
In advance of invading North Africa to fight the German Army's General
Romell in the Sahara Desert, in 1942 General George Patton set up a vast
Desert Training Center, a.k.a. "Camp Young," in the Eastern Mojave, the
largest military base ever established. It would eventually extend from
Pomona, CA, to Phoenix, AZ, from Yuma, AZ, to Boulder City, NV, and would
include a network of training facilities at Camps Clipper, Coxcomb, Granite,
Ibis, Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob in California, and Camps Bouse, Horn,
Hyder and Laguna in Arizona. Over a million men trained there.
Today a whole museum of indoor and outdoor displays is dedicated to
the memory of this base: the General Patton Memorial Museum, 30 miles
east of Indio
Last update 12:44 PM Fri. 27-Feb-2004 by ABS.
© 2004 Alan B. Scrivener